Happy 2nd BIRTHDAY, Makayla Rose!

"All these presents for ME?????
THANK you!!!!!!

"Me an' Mommy at Gamma's house!"

"Wow! I wasn't sure what it'd be like to be TWICE as old as I was my LAST birthday, but this is great!"

We took the following pics when Makayla and her beautiful Mommy came over in November....

"My Mommy! Isn't she beautiful?"

"Me an' Gamma.
What a wonderful world!"

Pretty in Pink

"This is me an' my Auntie Desiree!"


"Me an' my Mommy!
Merry Kiss-muss!"

Mommy & Daddy
My BIRTHday *_*
More of ME
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Please e-mail my Gamma to let her know you came for a visit *_*